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Terms Of Use

Customer Review Guidelines

To enable a fair and transparent review platform, we diligently combat fake reviews to protect our Arb Approved partners.

All reviews posted on Arb Approved will be screened for authenticity prior to being published and visible online. Proof of the services provided by a company listed on ArbApproved, to a reviewer, may be required to confirm a review is genuine.

 We define fake reviews generally, as evaluations that do not reflect a genuine service or purchasing experience with a business, or reviews that have been left to influence consumer opinion or unfavourably target a specific company.

Fake reviews include;

• A company posting a review on its own Arb Approved profile;

• A review that was purchased in an effort to influence a company’s Arb Approved rating.
• A review posted on a rival’s Arb Approved page in an intentional effort to lower their rating.
• Communications or messages of any type that pass for reviews but are actually advertisements or promotions.
• A review that was deleted from the website because it contained inappropriate, harmful or illegal content.
• A review that isn’t based on actual experience or isn’t about the company being reviewed.